The iridium-ruthenium coated titanium anode is a type of electrode used in various electrochemical processes, particularly in industries such as water treatment, electroplating, and electrolysis.

The anode consists of a titanium substrate that is coated with a thin layer of iridium and ruthenium oxides. This coating enhances the anode’s performance by providing excellent corrosion resistance, high electrical conductivity, and stability under harsh operating conditions.

The combination of iridium and ruthenium in the coating offers several advantages. Iridium is known for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, even in highly acidic or alkaline environments. Ruthenium, on the other hand, improves the durability and stability of the anode, enabling it to withstand high current densities and prolonged operation.

The iridium-ruthenium coated titanium anode has numerous applications, such as electroplating metals like gold, silver, and platinum, generating chlorine and other chemicals through electrolysis, and treating wastewater by removing contaminants through electrochemical oxidation or reduction processes. It is valued for its long lifespan, efficiency, and reliability in these industrial applications.

Iridium-ruthenium Coated Titanium Anode

Titanium Anode