Professional Titanium Anode Manufacturer & Hydrogen Water Electrolysis Solutions Supplier. +86 13726337448
The Sodium Hypochlorite Generator is a cutting-edge product that efficiently and effectively produces sodium hypochlorite, a powerful disinfectant widely used in water treatment and cleaning processes. This innovative generator boasts advanced technology that ensures precise and consistent production of sodium hypochlorite, making it an ideal solution for industries and facilities requiring a reliable and sustainable disinfection method. With its compact and user-friendly design, the Sodium Hypochlorite Generator offers a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional disinfection methods, providing a safer and greener approach to water treatment and sanitation.
Contact: MS.Catarey
Phone: +86-13726337448
WhatsApp: +86-13726337448
Address: 2/F Plant, Liansha Central Road North 26, Danzao Town, Nanhai Distribution, Foshan China.