Professional Titanium Anode Manufacturer & Hydrogen Water Electrolysis Solutions Supplier. +86 13726337448
Fruit and vegetable washing machine is a special cleaning machine, mainly used to clean vegetables and fruits. In today's fruit and vegetable residues, preservatives, edible fruit wax are widely used, fruit and vegetable washing machine has also become a necessary choice for modern families. Fruit and vegetable washing machine, as the name suggests, is used to clean fruits and vegetables, but the cleaning here does not only refer to cleaning the dirt on fruits and vegetables, but is used to clean away those fruits and vegetables that can not be washed off with water, bacterial residues and so on.
Is fruit and vegetable washing machine really useful?
Yes,Of course.The fruit and vegetable machine mainly uses ozone technology to decompose pesticides and hormones, separate heavy metal ions, and keep fresh and deodorize the three major roles.
1, ozone has a strong oxidizing ability, can quickly oxidize and hormone molecular chains, so that pesticides and hormones into stable inorganic compounds, while ozone can also rapidly oxidize the cell wall of bacteria and viruses, generating five-level compounds, to achieve the purpose of sterilization and disinfection.
2.the cation in ozone can oxidize the heavy metal ions dissolved in water into non-toxic high-priced compounds insoluble in water, precipitated and separated.
3. Fruits and vegetables washed with ozone can extend the shelf life by 2-3 times, and ozone can also remove the unpleasant taste.
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Fruit and vegetable machine benefits
Contact: MS.Catarey
Phone: +86-13726337448
WhatsApp: +86-13726337448
Address: 2/F Plant, Liansha Central Road North 26, Danzao Town, Nanhai Distribution, Foshan China.