Professional Titanium Anode Manufacturer & Hydrogen Water Electrolysis Solutions Supplier. +86 13726337448
In electrolytic water disinfection technology, titanium electrodes are often used as anodes because of theirgood corrosion resistance and conductivity. The hydroxyl radicals generated by electrolyzing water canundergo a redox reaction with organic pollutants in food and degrade them into water, carbon dioxide andinorganic salts, thereby achieving the purpose of disinfection, sterilization and food purification.
In the disinfection of fruits and vegetables, special electrode pads can be used with a larger surface area toincrease the area and contact effect with food. The hydroxyl radicals generated by electrolyzing water undergoa redox reaction with pollutants on the surace of irults and vegetables, decomposing them into harmlesssubstances, effectively removing bacteria, viruses and other pollutants on fruits and vegetables.
Electrolyzed water disinfection technology has the advantages of easy operation, less residue, and nosecondary pollution. lt is widely used in the food industry and can improve the safety and quality of foodHowever, when using titanium electrodes or electrolyzed water disinfection technology, attention needs to bepaid to selecting appropriate operating parameters and appropriate electrolysis time to ensure disinfectioneffect and food quality.
Material Introduction
Product Display
Efficient Cleaning And Disinfecting
Ruthenium-iridiun coated electrodes enhance the perfornance ofdisinfection equipnent for fruits and vegetables, ensuring thoroughrenoval of harmful microorganisms, Their robust coating extendselectrode life, which translates into nore efficient and effectivedisinfection cycles, which is crucial for food safety.
Application scope of electrode series products for electrolytic water disinfection:
1, For household electrolytic disinfection machines
2.For medical eleclrolysis sterilizer
3.For beauty instruments
4. For disinfection washing machines
5.For dishwasher disinfection
6. For fruit and vegetable disinfection machines
7. For smart toilet disinfection
Ru-Ir Coated Titanium Electrodes Anode Advantage
Application Scenario
Contact: MS.Catarey
Phone: +86-13726337448
WhatsApp: +86-13726337448
Address: 2/F Plant, Liansha Central Road North 26, Danzao Town, Nanhai Distribution, Foshan China.